Provide equine dental services to the IAED standard of practice, as set out in our IAED Performance Guidelines.
Help equines, owners, trainers, and riders by improving the horse’s health, comfort, and well-being by providing sound equine dental services.
Help equines by educating horse owners and enthusiasts about the importance of equine dentistry.
Engage in continuing education programs regularly to improve their knowledge and skill in providing equine dental services. Certified members must meet the continuing education requirements set by the IAED.
Promote fellowship among equine owners, trainers, and all equine dental practitioners by conducting a fair and honest practice, avoiding fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit, and by sharing our knowledge and experience collaboratively with all.
Not slander or unjustly injure the professional standing or reputation of peers, other equine professionals, or clients.
Avoid compromising a veterinarian-client or veterinarian–client–equine dental practitioner confidentiality relationship that they have entered.
Conduct their professional activities in accordance with the laws governing the profession, or accepted practices of the state, province, territory, or country in which they are working.
Avoid taking action that pressures, coerces, or achieves agreement among others to conform to a fee schedule or to fix fees.
Conduct business and provide equine dental services with the utmost humane and well-being of all equines considered. Equine dental practitioners work together with the equine welfare team for the good of all equines.
Equine dental practitioners work together with the equine welfare team for the good of all equines.